
 New Release


Support the upcoming Magic Kingdom album

by pre-ordering your vinyl or CD now!

Help Magic Kingdom raising the funds to produce their best new album ever!
Help us getting the best mix and mastering for this new Epic masterpiece!
Our sixth MAGIC KINGDOM album which will see the return of our glorious metal opera- The Metallic tragedy chapter three - is definitely the most epic, varied, aggressive  and  Symphonic one!
We still want to make great music for our fans and give it our all.
Difficult times indeed. A big amount of budget must be spent in order to get a quality production.
It would mean the world to us and everyone that works hard on the Magic Kingdom albums to get support from those who we do it for, our fans!
Now it's time we get it for real!
We count on you, the best and most devoted fans in the world!
Furthermore, get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
Follow us on Facebook and ask everyone you know to like our page.
Support by ordering directly from the website or the Magic Kingdom facebook page (CD's, vinyls, shirts...)
Thank you!

New CD signed



€ 25

New VINYL signed


Your name in the booklet

€ 10